Thursday 11 May 2023

MODERNISM: Gaudí Style

    Our 6th grade primary students are studying the contemporary period in Spain. Last week, we learnt about the different art movements. Modernism style, for example, is inspired by nature and religion. One of the most significant authors is Antonio Gaudí. 

    In Arts, we have been analysing the style of this Catalan artist by means of his incredible mosaic artworks. He liked to use colorful mosaics made of small ceramic tiles to create unique patterns on his sculptures. If you visit Barcelona, you should visit The Park Güel to see the giant salamander at the entrance.

Today, we have tried to imitate his style as you can see.



Wednesday 10 May 2023



Last 25th., 26th. and 27th. April the CEIP. Nuestra Señora del  school hosted an interdisciplinary project based on energy. Teachers and students from 5th. and 6th. primary courses worked in different activities showing energy raps, interviews to relevant scientists,  "empanadillas" baked in a solar oven apart from debates, models built with waste material, rapio podcasts, etc.

Many visitors were impressed with the fascinating exhibition, the major from Laguna de Duero, the councilor of education as well as some members from Tribu Educa, could enjoy the results of a great job teachers and students did.

Saturday 6 May 2023



Would you like to be able to buy food and sport clothes while you are about to enter in a football stadium to watch a match? or Do you want your pet to smell nicely with a dog fragancy? These ideas and some more, have raised an entrepreneurial spirit in our 6th grader students.

Here you can see some photographs and watch some links to the Power Point Presentations children elaborated for these interdisciplinary jobs about original ideas for types of business, final products to sell, services for the tertiary sector and trademarks to motivate children to create their own way of living.


Monday 1 May 2023

ENGLISH THEATRE for Primary children


Students enjoyed theatre in English at CEIP Nuestra Señora del Villar.

Last week children attended a performance in English. Plays were well adapted to their level and interests. 
There were two shows, the first one was addressed to children from 1st to 3rd grades, titled "THE WILD, WILD WEST". The second one was for children from 4th to 6th grades, "THE SWORD IN THE STONE".
Pupils had a lot of fun and laughter while learning English in a playful way. 
Teachers also loved it!